Nearsighted Artist Finds Simple Form Under Overwhelming Detail!

Hazel Drawn With Form
Hazel as seen without my eye glasses.

This is my cat Hazel drawn with shape only. It looks like a drawing of a rough clay model of a cat now, but with just a few details it could look much more realistic.

My Current Understanding Of Detail

  • Use a few details to convey subtle points of interest, or to create one spot for the eye to come back too as it takes in the drawing, and drawings hum with life.
  • Use to many and drawings look overwhelmed.

A Secret Drawing Tool – Nearsightedness

I’m extremely nearsighted, so all I do is take off my glasses and all details are merged into the underlying form. If you’re nearsighted and have never tried drawing like this, get ready for a delightful experience.

(Caution: Drawing without your glasses might give you headache from trying to focus your eyes. You’ll learn how to “not focus” after a few sessions though.)

(I’m sorry, but all you non-nearsighted folks have to squint to see shape!)


Author: Carol

I'm an artist, an accidental author, and lover of life. I grew up in Yorktown, Indiana, and I've been writing (and drawing) this website since 1999.

4 thoughts on “Nearsighted Artist Finds Simple Form Under Overwhelming Detail!”

  1. I am nearsighted in one eye and use contacts, but it’s still fuzzy even with correction. I hunch over massively to see the paper and I want a table or easel to hold the paper closer to my face. How do you do it?

    1. I’m not sure if this will help you or not, but I use a magnetic white board to draw on. I sit in a comfortable chair and hold the white board with my drawing attached with magnets close to my face. I also have the photo attached with magnets near the drawing. Hope this helps Patricia, Carol

      1. Thanks for your reply. I saw that on your channel after I wrote. I will try it as soon as my studio building is finished (next week?) 🤞🏼 I’d like some sort of stand to make a table to hold the board. Maybe a standing table with a chair. I’ll figure it out. Thanks again.

        1. You’re welcome Patricia. I think the main thing is that you’re comfortable while you’re drawing, and I hope you can find that position. Sounds like you have some options in mind. Hope you enjoy your new studio!


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