Creativity Scale

creativity-scale.jpgThis bizarre looking thing is my creativity scale. On the low end, you can see how I get little return for the types of creativity listed there. On the high end, the return I receive for my effort is off the scale! The whole thing came to me very quickly after doing a longish meditation that ended with my wondering about why I spend so much time doing those things listed on the low end. The only explanation I have is that working at the lower end of the scale is a lot like eating candy. It tastes good, it’s easy, but I have to eat a lot of it to get any true nourishment. That’s a bad combination for me. It hooks me every time. I need a more balanced diet.


Author: Carol

I'm an artist, an accidental author, and lover of life. I grew up in Yorktown, Indiana, and I've been writing (and drawing) this website since 1999.

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